Stress and radiation-induced activation of multiple intracellular signaling pathways.BioOne Online Journals - Stress and Radiation-Induced Activation of Multiple Intracellular Signaling PathwaysRelation of race and sex to the use of reperfusion therapy in Medicare beneficiaries with acute myocardial infarctionT-helper 17 cells expand in multiple sclerosis and are inhibited by interferon-beta.The inducible expression of dominant-negative epidermal growth factor receptor-CD533 results in radiosensitization of human mammary ...Radiosensitization of Malignant Glioma Cells through Overexpression of Dominant-Negative Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorAtypical presentations among medicare beneficiaries with unstable angina pectoris * ☆Mode transition in high refractive index coated long period gratingsERBB receptor tyrosine kinases and cellular radiation responsesEpidermal Growth Factor Receptor as a Genetic Therapy Target for Carcinoma Cell Radiosensitization