controlling system施控系统
controlling factor[建]控制因素
controlling device控制装置;操纵装置;调节装置
controlling unit控制环节;调节单元
controlling interest[经]控股权益;[经]多数股权;[经]控制股权
controlling force控制力
- Chapter six discusses the appraisement of controlling logistics cost.
第六部分,物流成本控制的绩效评价。 - Vibration control is the main task in flexible manipulator controlling.
Controlling TGF-beta signaling.
A gene complex controlling segmentation in Drosophila.
Genes controlling and mediating locomotion behavior of the zebrafish embryo and larva
Continuous control of chaos by self-controlling feedback
Analysis of Factors Controlling Soil Organic Matter Levels in Great Plains Grasslands1
Experimental control of chaos by delayed self-controlling feedback
Mechanisms controlling mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration through the thermogenic coactivator PGC-1.
The war of the whorls: genetic interactions controlling flower development
The immunological synapse: a molecular machine controlling T cell activation.
Immunologic tolerance maintained by CD25 + CD4 + regulatory T cells: their common role in controlling autoimmunity, tumor immunity...