用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- convict the accused man审判被告
~+副词- convict legally〔solemnly, sternly, secretly〕依法〔庄严,严厉,秘密〕地宣判有罪
~+介词- convict of宣判(某人)犯有(某罪),使(某人)认识到(错误等)
- You can't convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone.
不能只靠旁证就判定一个人有罪。 - The criminal was convicted of murder.
歹徒被判谋杀罪。 - He was convicted of his errors.
- The convict fled away with a hostage.
囚犯带着一个人质跑了。 - I'd rather die than be a convict.
我宁愿死也不愿做个囚犯。 - The convict confessed his crime.
罪犯供认了他的罪行。 - The convict has to serve his sentence.
罪犯不得不认罚服刑。 - The instruction of the policeman set the convict on the right path.
- Let a convict person go free without any punishment.
Convicts in the Indian Ocean
Thieves, Convicts and the Inmate Culture
Making good: How ex-convicts reform and rebuild their lives
Space in the Tropics: From Convicts to Rockets in French Guiana
Salivary DNA Evidence Convicts Breeding Male Coyotes of Killing Sheep
The height of Tennessee convicts: another piece of the "antebellum puzzle".
From slaves, convicts, and servants to free passengers: The transformation of immigration in the
News Flash: Negative Evidence Convicts Neanderthals of Gross Mental Incompetence
The fatal shore :a history of the transportation of convicts toAustralia : 1787-1868
The Fatal Shore: History of the Transportation of Convicts to Australia, 1787-1868 (Harvill Panther)