The possible mechanics of convolute lamination in graded sand bedsTapered convolute leaf spring for truck suspensionsParticle-in-cell simulations of electron flow in the post-hole convolute of the Z acceleratorMethod and apparatus for convolute windingA double post-hole vacuum convolute diode for z-pinch experiments on saturnCONVOLUTE LAMINATION AND OTHER STRUCTURES FROM THE LOWER COAL MEASURES OF YORKSHIREPlasma evolution and dynamics in high-power vacuum-transmission-line post-hole convolutesStigma structure and variation in Bromeliaceae—Neglected taxonomic charactersDevelopment and characterization of a Z-pinch-driven hohlraum high-yield inertial confinement fusion target conceptDelineating crustal domains in Peninsular India: Age and chemistry of orthopyroxene-bearing felsic gneisses in the Madurai Block