Prevention of Allogeneic Fetal Rejection by Tryptophan Catabolism
Phylogeny of African Myotis Bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) Inferred from Cytochrome b Sequences
Three-dimensional structural dynamics of myosin V by single-molecule fluorescence polarization.
Syndrome of apparent mineralocorticoid excess. A defect in the cortisol-cortisone shuttle
Revised U.K. guidelines for the management of cutaneous melanoma 2010
Direct, real-time measurement of rapid inorganic phosphate release using a novel fluorescent probe and its application to actomyosin...
Measuring the burden of secondary insults in head-injured patients during intensive care.
Exposure to domestic violence: A meta-analysis of child and adolescent outcomes
System integrating credit card transactions into a financial management system
Formation and dissociation of M1 muscarinic receptor dimers seen by total internal reflection fluorescence imaging of single molecul...