Simplified superovulatory treatments in Corriedale ewesReproductive seasonality of corriedale rams under extensive rearing conditions.Produção de Carne em Cordeiros Cruza Border Leicester com Ovelhas Corriedale e IdealHEPATIC PIGMENTATION WITH PHOTOSENSITIVITY: A SYNDROME IN CORRIEDALE SHEEP RESEMBLING DUBIN-JOHNSON SYNDROME IN MAN.Worm burden and immunological responses in Corriedale and Crioula Lanada sheep following natural infection with Haemonchus contortusProdução de Carne em Cordeiros Cruza Border Leicester com Ovelhas Corriedale e IdealUterine involution and ovarian changes during early post partum in autumn-lambing Corriedale ewes.Amino acid polymorphisms of PrP with reference to onset of scrapie in Suffolk and Corriedale sheep in JapanShort-term nutritional treatments grazing legumes or feeding concentrates increase prolificacy in Corriedale ewes.Endocrine and Ovarian Changes in Response to the Ram Effect in Medroxyprogesterone Acetate-primed Corriedale Ewes During the Breedin...