- The inverse function of that restricted cotangent function is called the arccotangent function.
The cotangent complex of a morphismComplexe Cotangent et Déformations IComplexe cotangent et d?eformations IStar-products on cotangent bundlesFloer homology of cotangent bundles and the loop productCotangent states of the electromagnetic field: Squeezing and phase propertiesErratum to: "Star-products on cotangent bundles''.Exact Lagrangian submanifolds in simply-connected cotangent bundlesHomogeneous Fedosov star products on cotangent bundles II: GNS representations, the WKB expansion, traces, and applicationsHomogeneous Fedosov Star Products on Cotangent Bundles I: Weyl and Standard Ordering with Differential Operator Representation