countervailing duty反补贴税;反倾销税
On Countervailing IncentivesCountervailing incentives in agency problemsCountervailing incentives in agency problems ☆Countervailing the Effects of Subsidies: An Economic AnalysisDominant Retailers and the Countervailing-Power HypothesisWelfare Cost of the US Antidumping and Countervailing Duty LawWelfare costs of the U.S. antidumping and countervailing duty lawsCountervailing Market Responses to Corporate Co‐optation and the Ideological Recruitment of Consumption CommunitiesVasoactive substances regulate vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis. Countervailing influences of nitric oxide and angiotensin IISpeaking of Fashion: Consumers' Uses of Fashion Discourses and the Appropriation of Countervailing Cultural Meanings | Journal of Co...