Natural Language Metaphors Covertly Influence Reasoning
Practical Covertly Secure MPC for Dishonest Majority – Or: Breaking the SPDZ Limits
Practical Covertly Secure MPC for Dishonest Majority – Or: Breaking the SPDZ Limits
Hypervisor support for identifying covertly executing binaries
An fMRI investigation of covertly and overtly produced mono- and multisyllabic words.
Facilitation of Saccades toward a Covertly Attended Location in Early Infancy
Implementing AES via an actively/covertly secure dishonest-majority MPC protocol
The effect of covertly manipulating the energy density of mixed diets on ad libitum food intake in 'pseudo free-living' humans.
The effect of covertly manipulating the energy density of mixed diets on ad libitum food intake in |[lsquo]|pseudo free-living|[rsqu...
Stubbs RJ, Johnstone AM, O'Reilly LM, Barton K, Reid C. The effect of covertly manipulating the energy density of mixed diets on ad ...