- A Moken tribesman in Myanmar's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells.
Key performance indicators and data for monitoring and auditing: theme CReportaje fotográficoEffect of soil nitrate on the growth and nodulation of lupins (Lupinus angustifolius and L. albus).Aerial Surveys of Round 3, Zone 5 for Waterbirds - Final ReportCollection Phylum Class FamilyREVIEW The potential effects of electromagnetic fields generated Prepared by :邓飞:将“免费午餐”进行到底不容易/米歇尔:中国行展现亲民柔和外交/李培根:离任演说展其“根叔”风格/王桂芬:应该少“作秀”多做实事CowrieAN ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY OF EUSPERMATOZOA, PARASPERMATOZOA AND NURSE CELLS OF THE COWRIE CYPRAEA ERRONES (GASTROPODA, PROSOBRANCHIA,...The Cowrie Currencies of West Africa. Part I