Variation among early North American crania.New Middle Pleistocene hominid crania from Yunxian in ChinaSexual dimorphism in the crania and mandibles of South African whitesSex determination of finnish crania by discriminant function analysisThe Sima de los Huesos crania (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). A comparative study.Principles for the virtual reconstruction of hominin crania.The Development of the Brachiopod Crania (Neocrania) anomala (O. F. Müller)and its Phylogenetic SignificanceSexual dimorphism and discriminant function sexing in indigenous South African craniaDeveloping pongid dentition and its use for ageing individual crania in comparative cross-sectional growth studies.A prospective comparison of neuropsychologic performance of children surviving leukemia who received 18-Gy, 24-Gy, or no cranial irr...