- The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon.
小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。 - The boy wants to draw in crayon.
Descriptive analysis of the developmental progression of grip position for pencil and crayon control in nondysfunctional children.
The Girl with the Brown Crayon: How Children Use Stories to Shape Their Lives by Vivian Gussin Paley
A Novel Approach to Cartoon Style Rendering of an Image with an Approximated Crayon Texture
Crayon holders
Purple crayon:from sketches to interactive environment
Survival of the western pond turtle ( Emys marmorata ) in an urban California environment
Diet composition of common ravens across the urban-wildland interface of the West Mojave Desert
Cliff swallows Petrochelidon pyrrhonota as bioindicators of environmental mercury, Cache Creek Watershed, California
Organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, metals, and trace elements in waterbird eggs, Salton Sea, California, 2004