- The company encourages creativeness of its employees.
该公司鼓励员工们的创造性。 - Person has the imaginative power and creativeness , this is successful person strength springhead!
Creativeness and Imagination
Creativeness, charisma, group psychology
Design Creativeness is the Motivity of Enterprise's Brand Development
The Creativeness and Effectiveness of Online Interactive Rich Media Advertising
On comprehensive creativeness of creative talents in the new century
Appraisal methods on creativeness of sci tech papers from editors' view points
Computing the creativeness of amusing advertisements: A Bayesian model of Burma-Shave's muse
Overcoming hurdles through innovation, persistence and creativeness in the development of probiotic foods
Set-up a New System for Experiment Teaching around Trainning Spirit and Ability of Creativeness
Organically Combining Experimental Teaching with Scientific Research for Cultivating Students' Creativeness and Ability