credit balance

英 [ˈkredit ˈbæləns]
美 [ˈkrɛdɪt ˈbæləns]
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    1. Interest is not paid by banks when a current account is in credit.
    2. Record balances of each account, entering the debit balances in the left column and the credit balances in the right column.


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    Credit Supply: Identifying Balance-Sheet Channels with Loan Applications and Granted Loans
    Carbon balance of anaerobic granulation process: carbon credit
    Federal Reserve Policies to Ease Credit and their Implications for the Fed's Balance Sheet : Remarks at the National Press Club, Was...
    Credit Supply Versus Demand: Bank and Firm Balance-Sheet Channels in Good and Crisis Times
    Federal reserve policies to ease credit and their implications for the Fed's Balance sheet
    Assessing Credit Risk in a Financial Institution's Off-Balance Sheet Commitments
    Streptomycin, Schatz v. Waksman, and the Balance of Credit for Discovery