THE OSMOTIC BEHAVIOR OF CRENATED RED CELLSFabric retaining clip having crenated-serrated jaw assembly[Topography of spike appearance in crenated erythrocytes (echinocytes)]Improved deformability of crenated red cells in hyperosmolar human blood by adenosineA continuum model for a red blood cell transformation: Sphere to crenated sphere ☆On the Differentiation of the Crenated-folds in the Midgut-Gland of Eulamellibranchia (IX) : Crenated-Folds in Siliqua altaMethod of treating horses to inhibit or reduce increases in crenated red blood cells during exerciseOn the Differentiation of the Crenated-Folds in the Midgut-Gland of Eulamellibranchia (VIII) : Crenated-Folds in some Species of Dee...Relationship of phospholipid distribution to shape change in Ca(2+)-crenated and recovered human erythrocytes.In vivo investigations on microcirculatory disturbances induced by crenated erythrocytes following norepinephrine application.