- On Thursday, about 400 cuboid watermelons were shipped to Tokyo and Osaka.
- Every face of a cuboid must be a rectangle.
长方体每个面一定是长方形。 - The lengths of the opposite edges of a cuboid are the same.
Cuboid subluxation in ballet dancers
Path planning on a cuboid using genetic algorithms
The nutcracker fracture of the cuboid by indirect violence
Field emission behavior of cuboid zinc oxide nanorods on zinc-filled porous silicon
Carbonatitic melts in cuboid diamonds from Udachnaya kimberlite pipe (Yakutia): evidence from vibrational spectroscopy
On the Stress Field Due to Initial Strains in a Cuboid Surrounded by an Infinite Elastic Space
3D object detection and viewpoint estimation with a deformable 3D cuboid model
Tachograph having a flat, cuboid housing and a registration device which is provided for using bundles of tachograph charts
New Calibration-Free Approach for Augmented Reality Based on Parameterized Cuboid Structure
Comparison between Direct Contact Angle Measurements and Thin Layer Wicking on Synthetic Monosized Cuboid Hematite Particles