- Start by taking a cue from others.
先从别人身上寻得一些线索。 - Where do you think this user would look for a cue?
Analysis of the unique cue in configural discriminations
Model's Race: A Peripheral Cue in Advertising Messages?
Audience response as a heuristic cue in persuasion.
Sound degradation as a distance cue in great tit ( Parus major ) song
Effects of color as an executional cue in advertising: they're in the shade
Conspicuousness, not colour as foraging cue in plant-animal signalling
Nitric oxide function in plant biology: a redox cue in deconvolution.
Fgf/MAPK signalling is a crucial positional cue in somite boundary formation
Drosophila Crumbs is a positional cue in photoreceptor adherens junctions and rhabdomeres.
Pheromonal Recognition of Females Takes Precedence over the Chromatic Cue in Male Iberian Wall Lizards Podarcis hispanica