- You need to make the cupula fat when sticking.
Cupula, Cupular Zone of Otolithic Membrane, and Tectorial Membrane in the Squirrel MonkeyThe Attachment of the Cupula, Otolith and Tectorial Membranes to the Sensory Cell AreasDisplacement of the semicircular canal cupula during sinusoidal rotationHydrodynamics of the excitation of the cupula in the fish canal lateral lineÜber die Beobachtung der Cupula in den Bogengangsampullen des Labyrinths des lebenden HechtsHydrogel‐Encapsulated Microfabricated Haircells Mimicking Fish Cupula NeuromastLaser interferometric measurements on the dynamic behaviour of the cupula in the fish lateral line.The Physiological Range of Pressure Difference and Cupula Deflections in the Human Semicircular Canal: Theoretical ConsiderationsLaser interferometric measurement on the dynamic behavior of the cupula in the fish lateral line. Hearing Res 29: 55-61Über den Nachweis der Bewegung der Cupula in der intakten Bogengangsampulle des Labyrinthes bei der natürlichen rotatorischen und ...