- Girls who are attentive to their personal appearance want to be curvaceous.
爱美的女孩都希望自己拥有曲线美。 - Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes.
Success is all in the measures: androgenousness, curvaceousness, and starring frequencies in adult media actresses.Reproductive and occupational stereotypes of bodily curvaceousness and weightFASHIONABLY VOLUPTUOUS: REPACKAGING THE FULLER SIZED FIGURE KEY WORDS: Voluptuous, Fuller-Sized, Fashionable, Curvaceous, Body, Repa...Secular changes in standards of bodily attractiveness in American women: different masculine and feminine ideals.Planes energéticos: el plan mundial (II y último)Patterns of subcutaneous fat deposition and the relationship between body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio: implications for models...The slender ideal and eating disorders: An interdisciplinary "Telescope"model.The shape of beauty: determinants of female physical attractiveness.Women's Dress Fashions as a Function of Reproductive StrategySecular changes in standards of bodily attractiveness in women: Tests of a reproductive model