Hairy Root Cultures of Taxus cuspidate for Enhanced Production of Paclitaxel
Multidrug Resistance Reversal Activity of Taxoids from Taxus cuspidate in KB‐C2 and 2780AD Cells
Protective effects of Castanopsis cuspidate through activation of ERK and NF-kappaB on oxidative cell death induced by hydrogen pero...
The relation between the cell growth, the volume of taxus cuspidate and the composition of its cell culture medium
Cell Membrane Permeability Changes Induced by Ce~(4+) in Suspension Cultures of Taxus Cuspidate
Taxol promising fungal endophyte, Pestalotiopsis species isolated from Taxus cuspidate. J Biosci Bioeng 110:(5) 541-546
[2-dimensional gel electrophoresis on protein patterns from suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidate induced by SA].
Paclitaxel-producing fungal endophyte stimulates the accumulation of taxoids in suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidate.