Cybersquatting: Blackmail on the Information Superhighway
System and method for combating cybersquatting
Beyond Cybersquatting: Taking Domain Name Disputes Past Trademark Policy
What's in a Domain Name: Is Cybersquatting Trademark Dilution
The Name Game: Cybersquatting and Trademark Infringement on Social Media Websites
The Prevention of Cybersquatting in Europe: Diverging Approaches and Prospects for Harmonization
Navigating Cybersquatting Enforcement in the Expanding Internet, 13 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 321 (2014)
The Latest Cybersquatting Trend: Typosquatters, Their Changing Tactics, and How to Prevent Public Deception and Trademark Infringement
The Latest Cybersquatting Trend: Typosquatters, Their Changing Tactics, and How to Prevent Public Deception and Trademark Infringement
What's in a Domain Name - A Critical Analysis of the National and International Impact on Domain Name Cybersquatting