Engineering polydactyl zinc-finger transcription factorsThe Discovery and Orbit of 1993 (243)1 DactylDNA systematics and evolution of the artiodactyl family Bovidae.Evolutionary relationships, osteology, and zoogeography of Leptodactylid frogPost larval changes in the external morphology of dactyl setae in the kelp crab pugettia productaVariation in the Hand and Superficial Throat Musculature of Neotropical Leptodactylid FrogsEffect of 3 3 4 dichlorophenyl 1 1 dimethylurea on photosynthesis and respiration of nitella flexilis dactyl cellsNutritional-Value of Hypogeal Fungal Sporocarps for the Long-Nosed Potoroo (Potorous-Tridactylus), a Forest-Dwelling Mycophagous Mar...Cenozoic biogeography and evolution in direct-developing frogs of Central America (Leptodactylidae: Eleutherodactylus) as inferred f...Toward Controlling Gene Expression at Will: Specific Regulation of the erbB-2/HER-2 Promoter by using Polydactyl Zinc Finger Protein...