- The dampness in the basement damaged his books.
地下室的潮湿将他的书损坏了。 - I guess dampness at sea may be the cause of rust.
我猜想海上潮湿可能是生锈的原因。 - The operation consists of eliminating the sensor and checking for dampness in the area of the Engine Relay Unit.
Dampness in Buildings and Health
Home dampness and respiratory morbidity in children
Dampness and mold in the indoor environment: implications for asthma
Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold
Respiratory Health Effects of Home Dampness and Molds among Canadian Children
Adverse health effects among adults exposed to home dampness and molds.
'Dampness' at home and its association with airway, nose, and skin symptoms among 10,851 preschool children in Sweden: a cross-secti...
Dampness in buildings and health. Nordic interdisciplinary review of the scientific evidence on associations between exposure to "da...
Indoor airborne fungal spores, house dampness and associations with environmental factors and respiratory health in children
Meta‐analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes