Revisión del género Danaea J. E. SmithRevision del genero Danaea (Marattiaceae-Pteridophyta)REVISIÓN DEL GÉNERO DANAEA (MARATTIACEAE - PTERIDOPHYTA)Five New Species of Danaea (Marattiaceae) from Peru and a New Status for D. ellipticaDanaea (Marattiaceae) revisited: biodiversity, a new classification and ten new species of a neotropical fern genusDanaea (Marattiaceae) revisited: biodiversity, a new classification and ten new species of a neotropical fern genusEpidermal morphology of the Pinnae of Angiopteris, Danaea, and Marattia.Evolutionary relationships within the Neotropical, eusporangiate fern genus Danaea (Marattiaceae)Plant growth and demography of the neotropical herbaceous fern Danaea wendlandii (Marattiaceae) in a Costa Rican rain forest.LEAF GROWTH AND PHENOLOGY OF THE DIMORPHIC HERBACEOUS LAYER FERN DANAEA WENDLANDII (MARATTIACEAE) IN A COSTA RICAN RAIN FOREST