go dancing跳舞;去跳舞
dancing party舞会
ballroom dancing交际舞
folk dancing民间舞
belly dancing肚皮舞
dancing girl舞女(以伴人跳舞为业的女人)
dancing school舞蹈学校
disco dancing蹦迪
tap dancing n. 踢踏舞
break dancing霹雳舞
- His victory was celebrated with music and dancing.
以音乐和舞蹈庆祝他的胜利。 - Dancing is not her strong point.
Dancing to the tune of chemokines.
Dancing the Immunological Two-Step
DAncing past the DAT at a DA synapse.
Dancing guide floor using LED matrix displays
Dancing Volvox: Hydrodynamic bound states of swimming algae
Dancing around the divisome: Asymmetric chromosome segregation in Escherichia coli
The Dancing of Modernism Soul——The Cultural Origins of Duncan's "New Dance"
Wavepacket dancing: Achieving chemical selectivity by shaping light pulses
Dancing with Strangers: Aspiration Performance and the Search for Underwriting Syndicate Partners
6 Dancing at the Crossroads : Meeting at the Crossroads Women's Psychology and Girls' Development