- The Danu Festival, a traditional festival of the Yao people, falls on the 29th day of the 5th month by the lunar calendar.
Retrospective on the structure of dying trees in the artificially established ripening oak stands in the area of the upper Danube ba...Hemostazni sistem i ishemijska bolest mozga (specifi nosti vezane za mo danu cirkulaciju I klini ke implikacije)Die Bohrung Pfakofen LAM B2/09 südlich von Regensburg (Turonium/Coniacium-Grenzbereich)-ein Beitrag zur Stratigraphie der Danubisch...Correlated concentration distributions of natural alpha-radionuclides in sediment samples along the Romanian sector of the Danube ri...Single machine flow-time scheduling with scheduled maintenanceDynamic changes in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine profiles and gamma interferon receptor signaling integrity correlate with tub...Diabetes mellitus is strongly associated with tuberculosis in Indonesia.Interactional group discussion: results of a controlled trial using a behavioral intervention to reduce the use of injections in pub...Age-dependent acquired protection against Plasmodium falciparum in people having two years exposure to hyperendemic malaria.Does Every Inspection Really Need a Meeting?