Orchestration of network instruments: a way to de-emphasize the partition between incremental change and innovation?Orchestration of network instruments: a way to de-emphasize the partition between incremental change and innovation?Pulse-diverse radar/sonar FSK-PSK waveform design to emphasize/de-emphasize designated Doppler-delay sectorsPutting the damper on: Do parties de-emphasize issues in response to internal divisions among their supporters?Popular songs emphasize sex, de-emphasize romanceWe should de-emphasize the importance of the role we give amines in the LH syndrome.The Graham Plan of 1935: An Aborted Crusade to De-emphasize College AthleticsREALITY AUGMENTATION TO ELIMINATE, OR DE-EMPHASIZE, SELECTED PORTIONS OF BASE IMAGEShould scientists and funders de-emphasize the "impact"criterion for research grants?To De-emphasize or Highlight Ethnicity? How Two Positive Youth Development Programs Empower Southeast Asian American Youth