- Soon it is loud enough to deafen those in the towers, who cover their ears.
不一会儿,它响得足以震聋塔上的众人,他们正捂着耳朵。 - This noise will deafen us all.
Don't deafen the congregation
Global hum threatens to 'deafen' whales
Flying insects threaten to deafen Japan.
Global warming research may deafen whales
Snoring: Carve the Snorer? Deafen the Snoree?鈥The Dutch Cheese Wax Solution
Snoring: Carve the Snorer? Deafen the Snoree?— The Dutch Cheese Wax Solution
Exclude and Include for Audio Sources and Sinks: Analogs of Mute & Solo Are Deafen & Attend
Crocodile's Cacophony Offers Mind-Blowing Countdown to Tyson; Frank Malley Finds a Few Hours with the Great Man Just Too Deafening
$2 million indoor yacht books culinary passage; SoHo's Lure Fishbar looks seaworthy and tastes luxurious; sound waves deafen.(Dining...
Comparative study on song behavior, and ultra-structural, electrophysiological and immunoreactive properties in RA among deafened, u...