An investigation of the relationship between untreated decayed teeth and dental sepsis in 5-year-old childrenInfluence of the patient's race on the dentist's decision to extract or retain a decayed toothConstant Proportion of Decayed Teeth in Adults Aged 25, 35, 50 and 65 Years in a High-Caries AreaRestoration of the Severely Decayed Tooth Using Crown Lengthening with Simultaneous Tooth-PreparationTHE EVANSTON DENTAL CARIES STUDY. 23. ORAL LACTOBACILLI AND DECAYED TOOTH SURFACE RATES AMONG CHILDREN IN A FLUORIDATED AREARelationship Between Decayed Teeth and Metabolic Syndrome: Data From 4716 Middle-Aged Male Japanese EmployeesMethod for treating cavities in decayed teeth before stoppingTrends in decayed teeth among middle-aged and older adults in the United States: socioeconomic disparities persist over timeClinical study on preventive effect of fluoride froth on decayed tooth of children in kindergartenICP-AES Determination of Trace Elements in Adamas Dentis and Ebur Dentis of Decayed Teeth