Chronically Decerebrate Rats Demonstrate Satiation But Not Bait Shyness
Short-term plasticity in hindlimb motoneurons of decerebrate cats
Synaptic activation of plateaus in hindlimb motoneurons of decerebrate cats.
Integration of posture and locomotion in acute decerebrate cats and in awake, freely moving cats.
Bistability of alpha-motoneurones in the decerebrate cat and in the acute spinal cat after intravenous 5-hydroxytryptophan.
Neurological tests and behavioral deficits in chronic thalamic and chronic decerebrate rats
The dependence of tension upon extension in the stretch reflex of the soleus muscle of the decerebrate cat.
The taste reactivity test. II. Mimetic responses to gustatory stimuli in chronic thalamic and chronic decerebrate rats
Motor-unit activation patterns in lengthening and isometric contractions of hindlimb extensor muscles in the decerebrate cat.
Long term alterations in the excitability of the flexion reflex produced by peripheral tissue injury in the chronic decerebrate rat.