Miniature-cotton-bale boxOfficial SI website: Table 6. Non-SI units accepted for use with the International System of UnitsA Parallel Algorithm for the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue ProblemMONOTONIA UNOR METODE „VOTURI-DECIZIE"RP MULTIOPŢIONALE MONOTONY OF SOME MULTIOPTIONAL „VOTES- DECISION"PR METHODSThe Darker and Brighter Sides of Human Existence: Basic Psychological Needs as a Unifying ConceptThe general causality orientations scale: Self-determination in personality.Facilitating internalization: The self-determination theory perspective.Self-Determination in a Work OrganizationSevere Hypoglycemia and Hyperinsulinemia in Falciparum Malaria — NEJMIntrinsic motivation, extrinsic reinforcement, and inequity.