- One name for these possibilities and limits might be deconstruction.
这种可能性和局限性的名字就是解构。 - Deconstruction is worthy of attaching importance to translation theory.
Deconstruction and translation
Optical Deconstruction of Parkinsonian Neural Circuitry
Optical Deconstruction of Parkinsonian Neural Circuitry
Optical deconstruction of parkinsonian neural circuitry.
Deconstruction of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Fuels and Chemicals
Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida
On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism by Jonathan Culler
A climatic deconstruction of recent drought trends in the United States
Book Review:On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism Jonathan Culler
Electroweak symmetry breaking from dimensional deconstruction