- In fact, so-called "pressure ulcers"or "decubitus ulcers"can form on skin over bony prominences in persons who are bedridden for an extended time.
Anti-decubitus mattress padAnti-decubitus mattress padAnti-decubitus mattress padPhysiology of the lateral decubitus position and one-lung ventilationShoulder arthroscopy positioning: lateral decubitus versus beach chair.Value of chest ultrasonography versus decubitus roentgenography for thoracentesisBreast radiotherapy in the lateral decubitus position: A technique to prevent lung and heart irradiationLaparoscopic adrenalectomy. The importance of a flank approach in the lateral decubitus position.Percutaneous nephrolithotomy with ultrasonography-guided renal access in the lateral decubitus flank positionPrevalence and duration of postoperative pneumoperitoneum: sensitivity of CT vs left lateral decubitus radiography.