Deferentially Private Tagging Recommendation Based on Topic Model
Deferentially Private Tagging Recommendation Based on Topic Model
Analysis of Deferentially Expressed Proteins in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
An Effective Deferentially Private Data Releasing Algorithm for Decision Tree
Warming deferentially altered multidimensional soil legacy induced by past land use history
Deferentially Expressed Proteins between Porcine In Vitro Matured Oocyte and Activated Embryo using 2D-DIGE
Large-scale delineation of deferentially expressed protein biomarkers in human glioma
Statistical Methods to Detect Deferentially Methyleated Regions with Next-Generation Sequencing Data
Biosynthesis of glucose transporter was deferentially regulated by PI3-K and MAPK pathway of the insulin signaling pathway in the tr...
Phosphorylation and mutation of human cardiac troponin I deferentially destabilize the interaction of the functional regions of trop...