Definiens DeveloperDefiniens Imaging GmbH: Object oriented classification and feature detectionDefiniens and Relevancy Analysis of Superior Industry in Yangtze River DeltaHypernymy relations from definiens-definiendum co-occurrence in multiple dictionary definitionsHacia una organización conceptual del definiens. Capas nocionales del adverbio arribaHacia una organización conceptual del Definiens. Capas nocionales del adverbio "arriba"Implementational issues in GCLA: A-sufficiency and the definiens operationThe Meaning of Proper Names, with a Definiens Formula for Proper Names in Modern English by Holger Steen So̵rensenAutomated analysis and detailed quantification of biomedical images using Definiens Cognition Network TechnologyThe semantics of a definiendum constrains both the lexical semantics and the lexicosyntactic patterns in the definiens