- Infestations of these caterpillars may defoliate oaks and other hardwood trees but usually do no permanent damage.
A recently introduced sawfly, Nematus oligospilus Forster (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), that defoliates willows in southern AfricaInsecticide Tests against Larvae of Hemerocampa, new species, a Tussock Moth that Defoliates Boxelder in New MexicoEuropean gypsy moth ( Lymantria dispar dispar L.) completes development and defoliates exotic radiata pine plantations in SpainEffect evaluation of sprying date and sort of physiological defoliates on earliness, yield and yield components and their effect o...Imported pest defoliates redgum eucalyptus in west.Phantom hemlock looper defoliates Douglas-fir in Burnaby, B.C.Chast defoliates the garden stateHackberry butterfly, Asterocampa celtis, defoliates sugarberry [Celtis laevigata] in MississippiHackberry butterfly, Asterocampa celtis, defoliates sugarberry in MississippiTamarisk (Tamarix spp.) water fluxes before, during and after episodic defoliation by the saltcedar leaf beetle.