Mapping field-scale spatial patterns of size and activity of the denitrifier community
Aerobic denitrifiers isolated from an alternating activated sludge system
Fractionation of N2O isotopomers during production by denitrifier.
Combined phosphate and nitrogen removal in a sequencing batch reactor using the aerobic denitrifier, Microvirgula aerodenitrificans
Nitric oxide reductase-targeted real-time PCR quantification of denitrifier populations in soil
The nature of the carbon source rules the competition between PAO and denitrifiers in systems for simultaneous biological nitrogen a...
Sediment denitrifier community composition and nirS gene expression investigated with functional gene microarrays.
Tracking nitrate reducers and denitrifiers in the environment.
A halophilic denitrifier, Bacillus halodenitrificans sp. nov
nirK-harboring denitrifiers are more responsive to denitrification- inducing conditions in rice paddy soil than nirS-harboring bacte...