- Your dejection will do no good to your health.
你的沮丧情绪对你的身体不利。 - She walked about listlessly, humming to herself in dejection.
她没精打采地走来走去,沮丧地低声哼着。 - People don't have to worry too much about getting bird flu if they haven't touched living fowls or sparrows and their dejection before.
Romania's Politics of Dejection
Utilization of livestock′s dejection as biogas origin
Dejection at in-group defeat and schadenfreude toward second- and third-party out-groups.
Self-structure and postpartum dejection in first-time mothers.
Trait Procrastination, Agitation, Dejection, and Self-Discrepancy
Trait Procrastination, Agitation, Dejection, and Self-Discrepancy
Effects of imipramine on aggression and dejection in depressed children
Stereotype threat in the classroom: dejection mediates the disrupting threat effect on women's math performance.
Emotional costs of inaccurate self-assessments: both self-effacement and self-enhancement can lead to dejection.
Trait procrastination and affective experiences: Describing past study behavior and its relation to agitation and dejection