DelftwareDelftwareDELFT WAREEnglish delftware in the Bristol collectionEnglish & Irish Delftware: 1570-1840English Delftware Apothecary Jars and their Contents. The Victor Hoffbrand CollectionNorfolk House, Lambeth: Excavations at a Delftware Kiln Site, 1968Lancaster delftware: a Raman spectroscopy, electron microscopy and Mössbauer spectroscopy compositional studyThe Longridge collection of English slipware and delftware. Volume 1: slipwareThe Longridge collection of English slipware and delftware. Volume 2: delftwareThe technical examination and conservation of blackened Delftware from anaerobic sitesPiecing it together: The introduction of delftware tiles to North America and their enduring legacy in Charleston, South CarolinaTin-glaze pottery in Europe and the Islamic world : the tradition of 1000 years in maiolica, faience & delftware