- The service reliability and the storage lifetime of ammunition or component filled black powder depend on moisture absorption and deliquescence of black powder to a great extent.
Deliquescence behavior of organic/ammonium sulfate aerosol
Prompt deliquescence and efflorescence of aerosol nanoparticles
Deliquescence and Hygroscopic Growth of Mixed Inorganic−Organic Atmospheric Aerosol
Deliquescence, Efflorescence, and Water Activity in Ammonium Nitrate and Mixed Ammonium Nitrate/Succinic Acid Microparticles
Deliquescence, efflorescence, and phase miscibility of mixed particles of ammonium sulfate and isoprene-derived secondary organic ma...
Composition and temperature dependence of the deliquescence properties of hygroscopic aerosols
Deliquescence, efflorescence, and supercooling of ammonium sulfate aerosols at low temperature: Implications for cirrus cloud format...
Infrared spectroscopic study of the deliquescence and efflorescence of ammonium sulfate aerosol as a function of temperature
Facilitation of endolithic microbial survival in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert by mineral deliquescence
Infrared spectroscopy of model tropospheric aerosols as a function of relative humidity: Observation of deliquescence and crystalliz...