
  • v.辞(职);辞职;〈古〉罢免
  • 网络伊党胜
  • 变形

    第三人称单数:demits 现在分词:demitting 过去分词:demitted


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    Fluorescence emission at dielectric and metal-film interfaces
    Light generation by an electrodeless fluorescent lamp
    Progress and change at Occupational and Environmental Medicine
    Two Case Reports of Biliary Tract Injuries during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
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    [Prolonged post-anesthesia recovery in hemodialysis-induced hypothyroidism]
    Revista Brasileira de Zoologia -
    Resonance absorption measurements of atom concentrations in reacting gas mixtures. I. Shapes of H and D Lyman‐α lines from microwa...