Lyme vaccine demonized by advocacy groupsOn Demonized Muslims and Vilified Jews: Between Theory and PoliticsRotenone: An Essential but Demonized Tool for Assessing Marine Fish DiversityThe Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and HereticsExperimental on Micro-EDM of N-doped Silicon in Demonized WaterDemonized No More: The Spiritual Journeys and Spaces of Black Gay Male College Students at Predominantly White Institutions.The Demon Drink and the Demonized Woman: Socio-Sexual Stereotypes and Responsibility Attribution in Rape Trials Involving IntoxicantsNetworks, Norms and Solidaristic/Altruistic Action against Aids among the DemonizedReeling in the Demon: An Exploration into the Category of the Demonized Other as Portrayed in The Journey to the WestA Market in Waste: Psychic and structural dimensions of school-choice policy in the UK and children's narratives on 'demonized' scho...