The depressor mandibulae muscle in AnuraAn unidentified depressor substance in certain tissue extractsDepressor and regionally-selective vasodilator effects of human and rat urotensin II in conscious ratsDistribution of carotid sinus and depressor nerves in cat brain stemVasopressor and depressor areas in the rat medulla. Identification by microinjection of L-glutamateImportance of the depressor septi nasal muscle in rhinoplasty: anatomic study and clinical applicationAngiotensin type 2 receptors mediate depressor phase of biphasic pressure response to angiotensinHorseradish peroxidase study of brain stem projections of carotid sinus and aortic depressor nerves in the catFunctional and anatomical organization of cardiovascular pressor and depressor sites in the lateral hypothalamic area: I. Descending...The 5-HT3 receptor antagonist alosetron inhibits the colorectal distention induced depressor response and spinal c-fos expression in...