Biological uptake and depuration of carbon nanotubes by Daphnia magna.
Ecological Uptake and Depuration of Carbon Nanotubes by Lumbriculus variegatus
Uptake and depuration of the heptapeptide toxin microcystin-LR in Mytilus galloprovincialis
Assimilation and depuration of microcystin–LR by the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha
Accumulation and depuration of sediment‐sorbed C12‐ and C16‐polychlorinated alkanes by oligochaetes (Lumbriculus variegatus)
Accumulation and depuration of microcystins (cyanobacteria hepatotoxins) in Tilapia rendalli (Cichlidae) under laboratory conditions
Dietary accumulation and depuration of hydrophobic organochlorines: Bioaccumulation parameters and their relationship with the octan...
Dietary accumulation and depuration of hydrophobic organochlorine: bioaccumulation paramters and their relationship with the octanol...
The key role of metallothioneins in the bivalve Corbicula fluminea during the depuration phase, after in situ exposure to Cd and Zn
Distribution of Norwalk virus within shellfish following bioaccumulation and subsequent depuration by detection using RT-PCR