- An engineer tried to detonate the mine.
一名工程师试图引爆地雷。 - The bomb failed to detonate.
Double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar supernovae: can minimum helium shell masses detonate the core?
Systeme detonateur electronique
Nucleosynthesis in Chandrasekhar Mass Models for Type IaSupernovae and Constraints on Progenitor Systems and Burning-FrontPropagation
Sodium Borohydride, Its Hydrolysis and its Use as a Reducing Agent and in the Generation of Hydrogen1
Effects of High Shearing Stress Combined with High Hydrostatic Pressure
Computer Model Calibration Using High-Dimensional Output
Damping of Underwater Explosion Bubble Oscillations
The flux of small near-Earth objects colliding with the Earth
Understanding sensitivity and specificity with the...
Skeletons from the Treecode Closet