- Seaweed baths can help to detoxify the body.
海藻浴能够帮助解除身上的毒素。 - The drugs which block the affects of heroin use can rapidly detoxify addicts.
Detoxifying aluminum with buckwheat
Detoxifying aluminium with buckwheat
Role of detoxifying enzymes in bromobenzene-induced liver necrosis
Engineering herbicide resistance in plants by expression of a detoxifying enzyme
Comparative studies of H 2 O 2 detoxifying enzymes in green and greening barley seedlings under cadmium stress
Modulation of Nrf2-mediated antioxidant and detoxifying enzyme induction by the green tea polyphenol EGCG
Susceptibility and detoxifying enzyme activity in two spider mite species (Acari: Tetranychidae) after selection with three insectic...
Structure and evolution of the serum paraoxonase family of detoxifying and anti-atherosclerotic enzymes.
An Nrf2/small Maf heterodimer mediates the induction of phase II detoxifying enzyme genes through antioxidant response elements.
Role of a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in the induction of phase II detoxifying enzymes by chemicals.