Device for detraction of fluid from flow line for temporary storage and later use
Contraction and Detraction: Non-Equilibrium Studies of Civil-Military Relations
Detraction of Privacy in the Information Society (Beeintrachtigung der Privatsphare in der Informationsgesellschaft)
220 GHz detection using 0.35 μm AMS MOSFET as sub-THz detector : Drain bias detraction
220 GHz Detection Using 0.35 µ;m AMS MOSFET as Sub-THz Detector: Drain Bias Detraction
Ag nanoparticle-blended plasmonic organic solar cells: performance enhancement or detraction?
Beeinträchtigung der Privatsphäre in der Informationsgesellschaft [Detraction of Privacy in the Information Society]
Creation of hoop- and bowl-shaped benzenoid systems by selective detraction of [60]fullerene conjugation. [10]cyclophenacene and fus...
Status Inconsistency and the Hope Technique, II: A Linear Hypothesis About Status Enhancement, Status Detraction, and Satisfaction w...