Can hay harvesting detrimentally affect adult butterfly abundance
Is cognitive functioning detrimentally affected after early, induced menopause?
Does Affordable Housing Detrimentally Affect Property Values? A Review of the Literature
Mutagenic and Inhibitory Compounds Produced by Fungi Affect Detrimentally Diagnosis and Phylogenetic Analyses
Removal of ovarian hormones from mature mice detrimentally affects muscle contractile function and myosin structural distribution
Soil arthropods beneficially rather than detrimentally impact plant performance in experimental grassland systems of different diver...
Inadequate Coordination of Maternal and Infant HIV Services Detrimentally Affects Early Infant Diagnosis Outcomes in Lilongwe, Malawi
Pulsed feeding during fed-batch fungal fermentation leads to reduced viscosity without detrimentally affecting protein expression.
Pulsed feeding during fed‐batch fungal fermentation leads to reduced viscosity without detrimentally affecting protein expression
The co-existence of geriatric depression and amnestic mild cognitive impairment detrimentally affect gray matter volumes: voxel-base...