- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay.
底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。 - That order you got in Detroit is simply marvelous!
Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World by Sharon Zukin
A Computer Movie Simulating Urban Growth in the Detroit Region
A Computer Movie Simulating Urban Growth in the Detroit Region
Why is central Paris rich and downtown Detroit poor?: An amenity-based theory
Why Is Central Paris Rich and Downtown Detroit Poor? An Amenity-based Theory.
Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Cardiovascular Disease in Detroit, Michigan
Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in the community: The 1996 Detroit Area Survey of Trauma.
Previous exposure to trauma and PTSD effects of subsequent trauma: results from the Detroit Area Survey of Trauma.
Incidence proportions of brain metastases in patients diagnosed (1973 to 2001) in the Metropolitan Detroit Cancer Surveillance System.
Neighborhood racial composition, neighborhood poverty, and the spatial accessibility of supermarkets in metropolitan Detroit