deviatory behaviors偏离行为
deviatory behavior偏离行为
Slope-deviatory alignment, stream network and lineament orientation of the Sabarmati River system - Neotectonic activity in the Mid-...
The alien realm of the minus: Deviatory mathematics in Cardano's writings
When Moderation Fosters Persuasion:The Persuasive Power of Deviatory Reviews
Drifting between Realism and Romanticism——On the Deviatory Tendency of Members in the Creative Society in Terms of Artistic Creation
A Cultural Analysis of the Deviatory Behaviors of Contemporary Chinese Women
The damped dynamics of printed circuit board and analysis of distorted and deformed half-sine excitation
Strain tensors in layer systems by precision ion channeling measurements
Fluid brake
Cryovolcanism and the Recent Flow of Liquid Water on Mars
Hydrodynamic theory for multi-component active polar gels